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Comprehensive Orthodontics

Orthodontics (correction of tooth and skeletal problems associated with a patient's bite) is offered to adults and children at the practice.  Interceptive orthodontics is the stage of treatment done during childhood growth phases in order to correct or minimize problems in later years.  Often, removable or fixed appliances, headgear and space maintainers are predominantly used at this stage.  The establishment of a healthy primary dentition and the monitoring of  its development throughout childhood and teenage years into a healthy adult dentition is one of the most satisfying long term health investments that any parent can make for one's child.

Fixed appliances ("full braces") and removable appliances are also offered for adult patients.  Many times, orthodontics can achieve a beautiful functional smile with natural teeth in cases where only prosthetics or crown and bridgework was thought of before.  Up-righting tipped teeth can also greatly improve the long term result of fixed or removable bridgework  when orthodontics is done prior to reconstruction of the bite.  The periodontal (gum) health of patients may also improve in cases where crowding or tipping of teeth makes cleaning them very difficult.  "Mini" metal brackets and the new clear ceramic brackets are available as braces that are easy to maintain, and yet are very unobtrusive cosmetically.